Sunday, December 23, 2012

Atomik Dry-tool Review: Part 2

3D and 4D ATOMIK prototypes.
Ouray looming a last-minute dry-tool-drunk decision fueled by Rolling Rock Tinnies facilitated by Simone's room mate Tanner when my Ipad wouldn't load the form several edits/tinnie later he e-mails me the form I run my wandering eye over it attach it send it Inshallah.

Speed Comp'? Really? Now I have done some longer routes in respectable times but the Bozeman trip was an outing steeped mostly in dry-tool lore though there was that Thrill Is Gone lead on borrowed rack rope in Fruit Boots no less whose idea was that?
RCC laying on the steel...

Enter Atomik to the rescue with prototype dry-tool mixes in red and black licorice colors 3D & 4D mixes loaded them up time to lay on the steel...

So we did. With Sizzla and Turbulence in the background Scout and I pull laps in the freezing space tools shift but rarely pop kind of like intercourse without the friction. Giddy without fear thick pads await the coming splash we bust 'em out tapping Shifts blaze it mon blaze it...

And the French want me back (I barely speak any French on a good day) so many Fetes so little time. I've done road-work that morning hi-stepping hill sprints to obliterate my calves but more seems like just the right amount.

And the Atomik holds? The  Patina Crimps Edges et al. that these are based on are by far and away their best dry-tool designs meaty yet requiring finesse would like to see this set expanded greatly into at least another twelve designs.
Scout executing the French technique...

Verdict? We liked the black ones. Color or consistency? Who knows. Dry-tool is not a science rather a passion or a diversion if not a dependency...

Yet the writing is on the wall what with a lackluster autumn the Ouray Ice Park just managed to open just inside winter proper Rosary Beads all around that a Typhoon doesn't wash all the ice away in the next three weeks.

And the Speed Comp'? I consult Nadya Gallyamova if the Russians don't know "SPID" then who does? 

Before the conversation goes all Cyrillic on me some guy chimes in;

"Eat lots of Nutella..."

Truer words have never been spoken...